Science and Art

Parts of flowers: 

During science class we have learned all of the parts of flowers and what each part does for the plant. We've learned that plants need adequate water and sunlight to thrive and grow

To reward you all for being outstanding students we are going to be painting flowers during class. We will be hanging these in the hall to show other students what we know! Please be prepared to do your best work! 

Since we have been studying flowers in science, I found it only fitting to integrate art into this lesson.  Please choose your favorite flower and write the flower's scientific name, the reason why you chose it, and where the flower can be found.

Painting by: Erin Gregory 


  1. Cherry blossoms, also known as Sakura in Japan, are the small, delicate pink flowers produced by cherry blossom trees. The scientific name is Prunus Serrulata. The most popular variety of cherry blossom is in Japan by the Somei Yoshino. I chose this flower because it is my favorite flower as they bloom in the spring season.

    1. Gennesaret I think cherry blossoms are so beautiful as well! Painting these flowers will be so exciting and turn out so beautifully I think. My favorite flowers are peonies! I love their rounded shape and subtle coloring.

  2. My favorite flower is the rose. To me, roses are gentle, simple, and beautiful. The rose's scientific name is Rosa. There are over 100 different species of the rose. Most roses are native to Asia, however, a small number are native to Europe, North America, and Africa.

  3. Mary Kate, I also love roses! I have a rose bush at my house that I planted years ago! It blooms beautiful pink roses every year. I did not know that roses were native to Asia.

  4. I pretty much love all flowers but one of my favorites is the bird-of-paradise. The scientific name is Paradisaeidae. I love this flower because I think it is so different looking and it is not a flower you see everyday. Another reason I really like this flower is because it was my great grandma's favorite.


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